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Arte Magazine

Photo du rédacteur: foscaworldfoscaworld

Dernière mise à jour : 25 oct. 2018

Alongside the installation of thirty works on paper with fanciful animals that populate the universe of Fosca: animals that tell some aspects of the history of the Library of St. Mark’s (and therefore of the Marciana National Library ) reinterpreting them in an ironic and fantastic. The Hall of Sansovino Library, home of the monumental Biblioteca Marciana, will host from May 8 to June 8, 2014 a solo exhibition of Fosca , entitled “The fantastic world of Fosca”. The inauguration will take place on Wednesday, May 7, at 17, with input from the Piazzetta San Marco 13 / a , Venice. ( Free admission subject to availability of seats ). From May 8th , for the duration of the exhibition, the input of the public will be the Correr Museum, Napoleonic Wing by Piazza San Marco ( times and tickets of integrated path of the Museums of St. Mark’s Square ). Heart of the exhibition is a large installation, The Literary Globe, which dominates the center of the exhibition of the Library with a ball of fifteen letters of parchment paper and hand-cut glass drops cracked . Installation that seems to respond to the Globe and Celestial Terrestrial Globe Vincenzo Coronelli , located under the nebulous sphere of letters, so as to create an ideal relationship between the work and the spirit of the place, going well expressed by Fulco Pratesi in the catalog “a clever reference to the function that the centuries-old hall of the Sansovino Library has carried out over the centuries, hosting the famous works of writers and artists and precious codes of classical antiquity”. Alongside the installation of thirty works on paper with fanciful animals that populate the universe of Fosca: animals that tell some aspects of the history of the Library of St. Mark’s (and therefore of the Marciana National Library ) reinterpreting them in an ironic and fantastic.

Venice Place: Marciana National Library

Telefono per informazioni: +39 041 2407238 / 041 2407211

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