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Photo du rédacteur: foscaworldfoscaworld

Valentine's Day is the feast of lovers!

Valentine's Day is a traditional holiday in Anglo-Saxon countries, but it has only experienced real development in France since the 1980s.


As with the majority of festivals, the origins of Valentine's Day are not certain, but the majority of historians agree that this festival has its origin in ancient Rome. For the rest, opinions differ greatly on the origin of Valentine's Day.

• Is the feast of Lupercalia the ancestor of Valentine's Day?

The Romans celebrated the Lupercalia from February 13 to 15. It was a feast of purification symbol of sharing where one sacrificed a goat in a cave to symbolize fertility. It was also given in honor of the god of flocks and shepherds and marked the end of winter. In 494, Pope Gelas I will ban this feast. He takes Valentine's Day as the patron saint of lovers and establishes a day to pay homage to him: February 14!

• Who is Valentin de Terni or Valentine's Day?

Valentin de Terni, better known as Saint Valentine is a monk who refused to submit to the Emperor Claudius II The Gothic. At the time, Emperor Claudius II wanted to ban marriage to prevent men from being tempted to stay with their fiancees rather than go to war. Valentin de Terni continued to marry couples and challenged the authority of the emperor. He was then imprisoned! It was there that he met his jailer's daughter: Julia, a blind girl. She asked Valentine to describe the world to her. By dint of meetings and exchanges, they fell in love until a miracle happened: Julia regained her sight! This miracle was to be shared and relayed everywhere. So much so that Claude II The Gothic, who did not like Christians, decided to condemn Valentin de Terni to death. He then became a martyr and will be considered Valentine's Day by Pope Gelas I who decided to honor each February 14, in 494.

• Who are the three Valentine's Day?

The first valentine would be a Catholic priest named Valentine who decided to secretly marry the lovers. He was discovered and sent to prison until his death. For some, the martyr Saint Valentine, who was beheaded in 269 in Rome, was confused with another Valentine celebrated on February 14: the bishop of Terni in Umbria. This saint renowned for his gifts as a healer to young girls and young people. Saint Valentine of Rhetia is mainly celebrated in Germany. He lived in the 5th century and is represented with an epileptic child lying at his feet.• What is the valentine? It was in the 14th century that we got into the habit of forming a couple at random in England. The custom of "Valentinage" originated in the English aristocracy at the end of the Middle Ages. A young girl was associated with a young man and during the day they had obligations to each other. The valentine and his valentine were to give each other small gifts in secret and make each other gallantries. This custom came to the Court of Savoy, then it spread to neighboring regions. The "valentine's day" was enriched by the sending of poems from St Valentine.

• When did Valentine's Day arrive in France?

Since the appearance of the valentine at the court of England in the 14th century, Valentines and Anglo-Saxon Valentines have sent each other "Valentines". This custom of exchanging friendship gradually turned into a feast of lovers. In Anglo-Saxon countries, friends also exchange words of friendship through Valentine's Day Card. Since the 18th century, the custom of sending "valentines" has spread in Great Britain and then in North America where it takes the name of "Valentine's day". The custom spread to Europe with the arrival of the GIs at the end of the Second World War.

The Valentine's Day drawings are available in different formats:

A2 - A3 - A4 - A5 or custom size

• Printed in Paris • France⁣


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