For the last 50 years our mission has been to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.
Hopefully a healthy, happy, thriving, living and ultimately diverse and wonderful world.
Collaborating with artists helps us to broaden our vision of the world, stimulating human senses and sensibility trough art. The young artist Fosca collaborates in its own way to our great project and the founder and director of the WWF Italy Fulco Pratesi explains us how giving us a some precious keys:
It is not easy to write about Fosca’s works. It took me some time and effort but from the phantasmagorical exhibit in the courtly Salone dei Mappamondi of the Marciana Library in the Correr Museum during the Biennal, I could finally extract the spirit of the artist, her elegant and precious creations.
Her most monumental installation is the "Literary Globe" which provides the core, the background and the frame of the artist’s works, is a celebration of the perfection and elegance inspired by Vincenzo Coronelli’s globes, one of them terrestrial and the other celestial, which are to be found under the frescoed vault and the reliefs that decorate it.
This transparent sphere it is made by fifteen thousand delicate butterflies representing the letters of the alphabet, cut by hand out of an handmade parchment. A shrewd reference to the century-old function of the Salone of the Library, housing famous works of writers and artists and precious manuscripts of classical antiquity.
The airborne refinement of her main installation is to be found in all her artworks Fosca displays around the world, engravings in a sophisticated black and white, large wild animals lying on canvas, hundreds of nails fixed on wood composing other mammals, or her sumptuous "Chama de Baleia" made by using the soot generated by a candle flame to create over 800 wood-boards that ended up composing her whale's animation.
It is in these pieces that the dreamlike imagination of the artist merges with the technical perfection of the great letters sphere.
It is rather difficult to talk exhaustively of the guiding inspiration behind the figures portrayed in all her works. Memories from the history, cultural events, legends, actual debates, symbolism and various historical or personal incidents, are woven into them.
All these occasions have, for protagonists, fantastic animals, immediately recognizable as such although they are humanized in the witty allegories.
There are lions, monkeys, rats, rabbits, frogs, cats, chamois, bears and other symbolic characters in modern dress or Renaissance costume. All linked to the various historical periods creating a fascinating and varied path for the spectator to follow.
One example amongst many illustrates Fosca’s exceptional inventiveness. In the piece titled The Government, the scene is made up of the following elements, animated or not, that represent the metaphor of power, with clear references to that of the Doges of the Serenissima:
The main character, with the head of a bear, wears the ducal cap, peculiar to the doge, his shoulders covered with an ermine cape and behind him a frog dressed as a page carries the ceremonial umbrella.
The two characters are astride a large wooden pen with a metal nib supported by two half-open tomes, an overt allusion to the power of culture, essential component of any enlightened government.
An array of charms, allegories, references and fantasies that make Fosca's artwork one of the most interesting artist of these years .
But for anyone who loves the traditional art of drawing, increasingly neglected and disarticulated or substituted by alienating and programmed digital techniques, the true emotional discovery that we experience in Fosca’s work is the perfection of the graphics.
The sophistication of the tools and media she chooses guarantee a unique result. Just consider: the paper is Japanese bamboo fibre or alternatively, Schoellerhammer Durex, 100 per cent cotton; the wrico needle pen allow for ultra-fine lines, even though the ink used is dense and deep black.
Each figure and setting is etched in perfect detail, enhanced by a delicate gold filigree like that of Renaissance gold-work, which highlights above all the fabric of the clothes worn by various metaphorical characters.
A blend of emotions, enchantment and stimuli that makes Fosca’s works truly unique and fascinating.
fulco pratesi
founder and president of the WWF Italy.

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